Anne Emerick
Jan 24, 2022


What historical figure would I like to have dinner for two with? Michelle Obama. When Tom Fenske posed this question, he was probably expecting we’d pick someone who lived long ago. But I can’t think of anyone dead or alive who has made history I’d rather eat dinner with than Michelle Obama. Besides, maybe she’ll read this and invite me.

If you’ve read Becoming (Michelle’s autobiography), then you’ll know the woman is warm and funny, my kind of woman. A good mom, too, who had a ginormous part in the first African American U.S. presidency.

Bet she’s got a few good stories that she didn’t put in that book!

What would I like to talk about with her? Hey, that’s between us. The prompt was about having dinner for two.

Sorry, but you weren’t invited.



Anne Emerick

Programmer by day. Author by night. As I put on running tights, I imagine I’m a superhero. Creator of and No-Work Spanish.