0 Claps, 0 Comments, Does It Count?

Anne Emerick
2 min readApr 23, 2018

It sucks to post and get nothing back.

We write to communicate and connect, so when our posts are met with silence, the voice of doubt says, “why bother?” This voice has killed many a well-written blog.

To dance my words across a page
To paint a picture of what I see
To open my heart and share
And take my about-the-author bow
And hear the quiet echoing back
Takes a toll.

Today I vow that even silence shall not silence me. I write for three.

I write for me.

Writing brings clarity to my thoughts. When I finish this article, I will know why I write even if no one comments or claps.

I write for the quiet visitor.

Often I wander by another’s words - smile, nod, laugh, even cry. While glad to read what they wrote I rarely stop to say so. Having been a quiet visitor, I will write for others who are the same.

I write for the future visitor.

It could take quite a while for my words to reach the person who needs them most. I cannot fault tomorrow’s visitor for not applauding today, so I will continue to offer them my best.

Now, having firmly established that yes I will write even in the face of 0 claps and 0 comments, if you like what you have just read, please give a clap or two below.




Anne Emerick

Programmer by day. Author by night. As I put on running tights, I imagine I’m a superhero. Creator of Unemploymentville.com and No-Work Spanish.